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Invoicing in Dashdoc

Comment faire mes factures? Contrôler et facturer mes transports? Connecter mon logiciel de facturation?

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Written by Support Dashdoc
Updated over 7 months ago

Why invoice from Dashdoc?

What's in it for you?

  • Save time ⏱️

  • Smoother processes 🙌

  • Save cash by invoicing as soon as transport is completed 🧾

  • Control your profitability 📊

What invoicing process should I follow in Dashdoc?

1 - I check my shipments

Dashdoc helps you save time and improve accuracy at this stage, thanks to :

  • control badges (number of shipments without CMR, without price, tonnage discrepancy detected, etc.)

  • automatic price updates (if weight per tonne or distance travelled)

  • by giving you access to on-site waiting time information (based on mobile application validations)

  • by automatically updating the fuel surcharge to be applied to transport for a given customer

a- Check that the shipments to be invoiced are in "completed" status.

There are 3 ways in which a shipment can become completed:

  • The driver has completed his mission from his mobile application

  • The telematics system has detected arrival at the delivery site and marked the transport as completed

  • If you are using the Charter TMS, your haulier has marked the shipment as completed from his e-mail follow-up or from his guest portal.

If the shipment is not marked finished, even though it is, in fact, finished, you can mark it as finished:

  • Either in the top right-hand corner by clicking on "Mark completed

  • Or at pick-up or delivery level, click on "Mark complete" => This allows you to specify the arrival and departure times for the site.

❗️en by choosing the global "mark complete" button (top right), the actual dates/times of transport will not be applied and will not be available on the invoice.

b - Check that the price to be invoiced is correct:

  • For a variable price (e.g. €/km travelled, €/tonne, etc.) , make sure that the transport data is relevant; if necessary, you can modify it.

    To find out more about Merchandise Control, click here, For information on distances travelled, click here.

  • Add extra lines if necessary ( e.g. waiting times, etc.)

  • Add a fuel surcharge if not previously indicated (to find out more, click here)

The badges on the Completed journeys page make it easier to check your journeys

Click on the badge that interests you to filter the transport in question.

c - Check transport documents:

d - Check the transport references

The references (ordering party, carrier, sites) enable you to include the necessary data to appear on the invoice (e.g. customer order number, site number, etc.). Check that they are correct, the ordering party reference will appear by default on the invoice, the other references can be configured using the invoice templates.

✅ Once these 4 points have been validated, click on "Mark checked"; this means that the shipment is ready to be invoiced!

The next steps can be found in the "My Invoices" menu.

2 - I prepare my draft invoices

☝️What you need to know before you invoice :

  • The "draft" invoice is created in Dashdoc. Once it is ready in Dashdoc, it is sent to the billing tool in "finalised" status and can no longer be modified.

  • You can cancel, modify or add to an invoice in "draft" status in Dashdoc.

  • Once the invoice is in "finalised" status, you need to make a credit note to delete it, in compliance with your accounting procedures.

How do I create a draft invoice?

a - Go to the "My invoices" tab.

Once the shipments have been checked, they become visible in the list of shipments to be invoiced.

b - Use the filters to select shipments by customer or date :

c - Select the transport operators you wish to include in the draft by ticking the box on the left.

The total number of TOs selected is displayed at the bottom left if you have selected TOs belonging to the same Instructing party.

Click on next

Choose whether you want to create an invoice for each TO or keep the TOs on the same invoice. Also choose whether you want to create a new draft invoice or add the transport to an existing invoice.

Click on "create a draft invoice".

d - The invoice is created in "draft" status in the list of invoices.

When you create a draft invoice, you will find a pdf proforma at the bottom of the page. To find out more about the proforma, visit.

e - Personalising, modifying or adding information to your draft :

1. Customise your invoice templates

2. General information (RIB, language, fuel surcharge display mode)

You can change other items at the top of the invoice.

3. Modify the information relating to the transport description

Here is the default information that appears per shipment on your invoice

For freight transport :

For hire transport :

  1. Consignment note no.

  1. Ordering party reference

  2. Loading date

  3. Name, postcode, town and country of loading site

  4. Name, postcode, town and country of delivery site

  5. Goods transported

  1. Purchase order no.

  1. Date of hire

  2. Client reference

  3. Motor Vehicle Plate

To modify: click on the description and make your changes:

4. Customise your invoice templates

5. Adding a fuel line or index to the invoice

You can add an extra line (excluding transport):

It is also possible to add fuel indexing to your shipments, which is explained here : How does fuel indexing work in Dashdoc?

6. Grouping invoice lines

You can choose to re-group the shipments on an invoice into a single line using the "Group shipments" > "into a single line" button.

The fares for these transports will then be added together in this single billing line:

  • If a transport contains several price lines, they will all be added together in this line.

  • For fuel indexation: the index amounts in each transport will also be added together in this line.

⚠️ Please note: The lines for all your shipments must also have the same VAT rate if they are to be re-grouped.

(Remember: the default VAT rate in Dashdoc is 20%. If you need to apply a different rate, you need to use an invoicing product).

With this grouping, no product code will be sent to your external billing software:

Once these lines have been grouped together, a single "Transport of the month" line will group together all the transports on the invoice and will be sent to your billing software.

Vous pouvez modifier le texte de cette ligne en cliquant dessus.

3 - I finalise my invoice

Once everything has been validated, you can generate the document and invoice number by changing its status to "finalised".

Please note: Once the invoice has been finalised, it is sent to your invoicing software and can no longer be modified or cancelled. You will need to issue a credit note.

The invoice will automatically be created in the connected invoicing software and returned to your Dashdoc account.

All you have to do is click on the "Share" button to send the link to the Dashdoc invoice page to your client.

Your customer will then have access to the transport documents and your invoice.

4 - Sharing an invoice

You can share your invoice from within Dashdoc. An email will be sent to your customer with the invoice attached. This e-mail will contain a link that your customer can use to find all the documents relating to the transport of this invoice.

First of all, you need to add the"Invoicing" role to the follow-up contacts who receive the invoices:

You can then share your invoice (draft or finalised) by clicking on "Share" in an invoice, then selecting the corresponding invoice contact (you can select several contacts at once).

All that's left is to click "Send".

You can also share your invoice from your third-party invoicing software:

The e-mail addresses of the contacts who have the invoicing role will be sent to your software (Pennylane, Sage, Winbooks or other).

How can I track the status of my invoice?

By clicking on send, the send status and date are automatically updated on the invoice page.

The dispatch statuses are as follows:

  • sending in progress

  • date of last email sent with invoice status

  • sending error

hover the mouse over the status to see the delivery details for each recipient

This status is also visible from the "my invoices" menu in the list of drafts and invoices.

5 - Making a credit note on an invoice

Once an invoice has been finalised in your invoicing tool, it is no longer possible to cancel it. You can, however, create a credit note in your tool.

In Dashdoc, you can then return the invoice to "draft" status so that you can re-invoice the transport.

Warning: cancelling an invoice in Dashdoc will not cancel it in your invoicing tool. You must make a credit note in your tool for your accounts to be up to date.

6 - Filter my invoices

You can filter the display of all the invoices in your account, by customer, by transport period or by status (draft, finalised or paid):

7 - Mark my invoice as paid

Once your customer has paid their invoice, you can mark it as paid:

Dashdoc allows you to enter the invoice payment date, the payment method and additional notes.

To find out how to add payment methods to Dashdoc, click here

☝️ You can display the "Payment tracking" and "Payment notes" columns in the global view of your invoices. To find out how to add columns, click here

☝️ You can mark paid and fill in this information en masse by selecting several invoices at a time.

☝️ This information can be modified at any time in the invoice details, in the "Information > Payment information" section.

☝️Les payment information is available in invoice exports and is present in the Dashdoc accounting export.

This invoice will therefore be marked as paid in "My invoices". However, this operation will not change the status of the shipments , which will remain as invoiced in "My shipments".

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