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Dashdoc Wam - Digital waste identification form (Belgium- Flanders)
Dashdoc Wam - Digital waste identification form (Belgium- Flanders)
Sophie de Mercey avatar
Written by Sophie de Mercey
Updated over 2 months ago

What's Dashdoc Wam ?

Dashdoc Wam is deigned for waste transport organizers, or waste producers having their own arrangements for the transport of their waste.

It allows them to create and follow their digital waste identification forms (e-ID).

Dashdoc Wam is OVAM certified for the Flanders region.
Wallonie has officially announced that the documents provided by softwares certified for Flanders region were accepted, with no specific certification for Wallonie.

Why should you use Dashdoc Wam ?

✅ Be compliant with OVAM while enjoing a collaborative TMS

⏱️ Save time and avoid re-typing : create a waste form and a transport at once

🚀 Follow the full cycle of waste form from creation until invoicing

Dashdoc Wam steps :

Dashdoc Wam allows you to init digital waste identification forms and has to be used along with the Dashdoc TMS so that the document can be filled with informations from the execution of the real transport it relates to.

Basicaly , major steps are :

  1. Create a waste form in Dashdoc Wam

  2. Sign the form in Dashdoc Wam, as organizer or producer producer having their own arrangements

  3. Automatically create a transport in the TMS from the details of the waste form

  4. Assign that transport to driver

  5. Let the driver execute the transport

  6. Check informations on the waste form in Dashdoc Wam

☝️ only A→ B transports are handled : no rounds, no A → B, C, D etc

☝️ For transport organizers working with chartered carriers, it is mandatory that their truckers use the Dashdoc mobile application to execute the missions. This is to ensure integration between Dashdoc Wam and TMS.

1.Create a waste form and have it completed

To create a form :

1.Click the blue button "New form" in the left menu.

2. Fill all the informations listed below (all the fields in bold are mandatory).

(Additional details about the companies you will need to select can be found further in this article.)

  • Waste producer : this is the company that produces the waste

    • select the company

    • select a contact person in that company who will receive a copy of the document after loading has been done and a copy of the final version after the waste processor has signed the document

  • Organizer : the company organizing the transport.

    • This field can not be edited. As a Dashdoc Wam user, your company will always appear here.

    • ☝️ In the case you are a producer having their own arrangements for the transport of their waste, your name will then appear in twice as producer and organizer in this screen but the PDF document will display the information that you have you're own arrangements, and won't display your name as organizer.

  • Carrier : the company that will actually carry the waste loads

    • select the company

  • Waste processor : the company that will transform the waste

    • select the company

    • select the contact person who will receive a copy of the final version of the document

    • select the signatory person from the processor company who will sign the document after the wastes load has been delivered. ☝️If that person is the same as the contact person, you can skip this field.

  • transport date

  • instructions

  • loading : this is the exact loading address

  • unloading : this the exact unloading address

  • loads:

    • description

    • total weight

    • treatment code : R-code and D-code of the treatment that will be applied to the waste by the processor

    • treatment type : additional information about treatment

    • EURAL code : code of the waste along EURAL classification. If the EURAL relates to a dangerous good from that classification (code followed by *), then you need to add 4 additional mandatory information:

      • physical properties

      • chemical composition

      • quantity : quantity of packages, different from the total weight

      • packaging type

3. When all required information are filled, and you're ready, you can sign the document, as explained below.

What is the lifecycle of a waste identification form ?

Once you create a document, it will follow this lifecycle:

  • Draft : as soon as the document is created, it has the draft status

  • Signed : when all information are filled you can sign the document to enable the transport execution. It then has the status "signed"

  • In Transit : once the driver has confirm loading has been done

  • Arrived : once the driver has confirmed unloading has been done

  • Completed : once the waste processor has signed the document

  • Cancelled : forms can be cancelled only before loading is validated, so only when the status is "draft" or "signed"

  • Discontinued : a form can have the status "discontinued" if for some reason the unloading can not be achieved. In this case you can change the status of a form from "in transit" to "discontinued"

You can see the status of the document next to the document number at the top of the page.

2. Sign a waste form (as organizer or producer with own arrangements)

When the draft form is complete :

  1. You can click the blue "Sign" button at the top right of the screen.

2. You will then be prompted with a confirmation.

3. When you confirm, the status of the form will automatically update to "Signed".

In case of validation errors, you will see error messages below the fields that were not filled or contain errors.

When the waste form is signed, then you need to create a transport in the TMS to move the next statuses of the waste form's lifecycle.

3. 🚚 Create a transport in the TMS from the waste identification form

When the waste form is signed :

  1. At the top right corner of the page you'll see that the former blue button "Sign" is replaced by a blue button "Create transport" at the top right corner of the page.

  2. All you need to do is click that button.

  3. A new tab will open with the resulting transport in the TMS.

    🔗 You'll see that the transport page contains a banner with a link to the waste form, and the form page now contains a banner with a link to the transport.

4. Advance to status "In transit" and "arrived"

Now you have the transport related to the waste form, you need to assign that transport to a driver.
The driver will then receive the transport mission on his mobile phone.

☝️ It is mandatory that the drivers use the Dashdoc mobile application to fill transport information that will update the waste form with required details.

The driver will update the transport mission using the mobile application:

  • when the loading is validated:

    • validation is applied to the eCMR of the transport,

    • the waste form status advances to "In transit",

    • and the name of the driver, the date and time of the validation, and the geolocation of the driver at that time are saved and displayed on the waste form in the loading validation details

  • when the unloading is validated:

    • validation is applied to the eCMR of the transport,

    • the waste form status advances to "arrived",

    • and the name of the driver, the date and time of the validation, and the geolocation of the driver at that time are saved and displayed on the waste form in the unloading validation details

☝️It is mandatory that drivers accept to share their location through the mobile application as the exact geolocation at the moment loading or unloading is validated must appear on the waste form, for control needs by authorities.

5. Advance to status "completed"

The transition between status "arrived" and "completed" occurs with the final signature of the document by the processor.

There are two ways to achieve this processor signature. When the trucker validates the unloading of the waste load at the delivery site, he can choose on the mobile application, how the person on site validate the reception of the load (primarily for the need of the eCMR document): sign on glass, contactless, paper CMR, no one on site.

  • if the option selected is "sign on glass":

    • the driver selects an existing contact or creates a new one for that company and hands over the phone to that person

    • the person signs on the screen on the phone

  • if the option selected is any of "contactless", "paper CMR" or "no one on site":

    • an email is automatically sent to the processor with a link to sign the waste from electronically. This email is sent to the signatory person you have selected for the processor during the creation of the waste form, or (if it is the same person) to the contact you selected for the processor company.

    • the persons can open any time later, click the link and sign the document online

In both case, the processor signature is applied to the document and the waste forms displays the name of the signatory and date time of the signature.

🗑️ Can i delete a waste form ?

☝️ It is not possible to delete waste forms as this is a legal contraint that any document created must remain in the software where it was created.

How to create or modify companies in Dashdoc Wam ?

During the waste form initialization in Dashdoc Wam you have to select 3 companies as producer, carrier and processor.

All companies you see in the list are also visible in the "address book" in Dashdoc TMS.

Though they have additional properties specifically for the needs of waste form. Those additional information can only bee seen in Wam.

The list of extra information available in Wam is:

  • Type of actor :

    • options "waste producer", "organizer", "waste processor" are available in this list in Wam

  • Administrative numbers:

    • any company you select must have at least one valid administrative number (this will be checked when you sign the form as organizer)

    • there are different kind of administrative number that can be used as "VAT number", "entreprise number", "EORI number" and more. The list of possible number depends on the roles of the company that are select with tags in the "Type of actor list"

When you need to set those additional details for companies, open the select modal for producer, carrier or processor, select the company and use the "Edit" link below the select list.

If a company is missing in the list when you initialize the waste form, you can use the "+ add company" link, below the select list, to create a new one.

✉️ Who receives emails and when ?

When ?

What does the mail contain?

Who receives the email ?

legal obligation

After loading validation

copy of the waste form at that time

contact from the producer company


After unloading validation, if the driver selected a signature method different from "sign on glass"

A link to sign the waste identification form online

contact from the processor company or signatory from the processor company if you selected one


After final signature by waste processor

copy of the final version of the waste form

contact from the producer company
contact from the processor company


Can I create a MATIS report from my waste forms?

  • Filter the identification forms you want in your report.

  • Then click on the ‘Matis export’ button that appears at the top of the list

What information from Dashdoc Wam is transferred to Dashdoc TMS?

When the transport is created or when the waste form is updated in Wam, some information are copied from the form to the transport. Here are the details.

Information on waste form

Information on transport

Can be updated from Wam to the TMS until ?



❌ never



loading validation

Transport date

Loading date

loading validation


Loading address

loading validation


Unloading address

unloading validation

Loads (for non dangerous EURAL code)

  • description

  • total weight

  • treatment code

  • treatment type

  • Eural code

Loads (category forced to "bulk")

  • type of goods

  • total weight

  • complementary information

  • complementary information

  • complementary information

loading validation

Loads (for dangerous EURAL code)

  • description

  • total weight

  • treatment code

  • treatment type

  • Eural code

  • physical properties

  • chemical composition

  • quantity

  • packaging type

Loads (category forced to "other")

  • type of goods

  • total weight

  • complementary information

  • complementary information

  • complementary information

  • complementary information

  • complementary information

  • quantity

  • type

loading validation

What information is updated on the Dashdoc Wam form during transport?

(comment Dashdoc : for now recommend not to change anything on the transport, do it from the waste form)

Loading and unloading validations from the trucker on the transport are updating the validation table on the waste form.

Unloading validation by the processor if the "sign on glass" method is used is updating the signatures table on the waste form.


The transport is done but the waste identification form has status "signed" or "in transit", what should i do ?

Trucker validation for loading and unloading has to be performed using the Dashdoc mobile application.

However, in some cases that validation could fail or not be possible if a user of the TMS has marked the loading or unloading activity as done. Then the waste form is linked to a transport that is done, but the status and information of the waste form are not consistent with the transport status. The trucker is stuck and can’t validate activities on the mobile anymore.

If this happens, then you will see on the detail page of the waste form, at the top, a button to send a validation link to the transporter company.

The person receiving the email can forward it to the driver so he can use the link to fill required information and validate the loading or unloading activity. Then the waste form is updated with the correct information.

The geolocation of the person validating has to appear on the waste form. Geolocation will be retrieved from the device unless validation will fail. So the person validating should be at the real loading or unloading place when validating. Please consider this as a way to unlock the process in particular cases, and remind the transporter that he is responsible for the correctness of loading and unloading information. That’s why it should be done using the mobile application.

The transport is done but the waste identification form has status "arrived", what should i do ?

On the detail page of the waste form, you can see a the top when the email was sent to the signatory contact and if it was correctly received. If the signatory is taking too long to sign, you can send him a new notification wit the "Send again for signature" button.

❗️New Features in WAM❗️

1)Multiple Duplication

You can now do multiple duplication in WAM. When duplicating, you will have the option to choose between single duplication or multiple duplication.

2) Sign Waste Forms in Bulk

By selecting the desired waste forms in "Draft" status and then clicking on "More Actions," you can now sign them in bulk using the "Sign waste forms" button.

3)Create Transport Orders in Bulk for waste Forms

By selecting the desired waste forms in "Signed" status and then clicking on "More Actions," you can now create transport orders in bulk using the "Create Transports" button.

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