How to organize and optimise trips on Dashdoc

Organise and optimise trucker's tours by combining several transport orders into one trip!

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Written by Support Dashdoc
Updated over a week ago

Are you involved in docking, pallet transport, tours with several pick-up points or several delivery points for several customers?

Then Dashdoc trips is there for you!

You can now organise and optimise your trucker's rounds by grouping several transport orders in one trip while having an informed view of your profitability indicators!

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🛣️What is a trip and what is the differenece between trips, OTs and activities?

  • A transport consists of one or more activities for a principals. The transport will be invoiced once it has been carried out, unlike the journey, which is an optimisation aid for the operation. A transport can include breaks and several means (drivers and subcontractors) due to breaks.

  • An activity is a step of a transport made by a driver. The existing activities on Dashdoc are pick-ups, deliveries, breaks and recoveries.

  • A trip is a grouping of several transports assigned to a driver, a vehicle and if necessary a trailer. It allows the operator to optimise a driver's tour by grouping transports from different principals and to arrange the transports in relation to each other in the most optimised way possible to gain in profitability, time and distance travelled.

In which conditions can I use a trip?

I can use a trip if :

  • I do complex shipments (A→B, C, D) and want a clearer display of the schedule.

  • I do simple and/or complex shipments: I need to group them to optimise my distance and loading rate.

  • I work with several hauliers, and they ask me for partial transports: I need to group them in the same truck to optimise my distance and loading rate.

  • I transport pallets and I often do breaks in a warehouse before sending them to the end customer.

⚠️ I can't invoice a trip or define their price. Only transports are invoiced.

❓How do I create my first trip?

  • I select the transports included in my trip

In the pool of unplanned transports :

  • I look for the transports I want to add in my trip by filters (date, haulier, address)

  • I select the transports with the tick

  • I click on "create a trip".

⚠️ You cannot add a transport to a trip already assigned to a driver.

The transports assigned to a trip are no longer available in the transport part of the pool of unplanned transports

🔧 How do I set up my trip?

  • I name my trip (optional)

In the "Trip name" field, this name will be displayed on your schedule and on the driver application when the mission is received.

  • I add and remove transports from my trip

To add a transport, I click "add activities".

To remove the transport, I click the bin next to each activity. In this case, I remove all activities related to the transport

  • I reorder the activities of my trip

I grab the dots next to the activity and drag the activity to the requested place

  • I create activity groups (similar activities)

If at least two activities are of the same type (pick-up or delivery), are located on the same site and follow each other, they are placed in the same activity group.

This activity group simplifies my driver's work by grouping all signatures from the same site into one signature.

  • I set each of my activities with dates and access transport

If I need to specify the times of an activity I can click on one of them or on a group to open the settings panel for my activity:

I find the details of my transports with my goods and an access to the transport file.

I can also switch from one activity to another by using the arrows on the keyboard and switch from one field to another by using the TAB key. I can thus set up all my activities without having to open them.

  • What indicators do I have access to in order to optimise my journey?

On the right side of the screen, several key indicators are displayed.

This information is updated whenever there is a modification (change in the order of activities, addition of new stops, price update, etc).

Following information is available:

  • a map of the route with the stages of my trip and "+" stages when it is a group of activities

  • the number of activities in the trip

  • the total distance of the trip (in kms)

  • the turnover of the trip (in €)

  • the turnover per km

  • the evolution of the vehicle load between each activity (in kg, linear meter, volume or quantity)

I also have access to the estimated distances between each activity, I no longer need to consult Google maps to know the distance between 2 points.

  • I validate or delete my trip

I don't need to save my trip, all changes are permanently saved, you just have to press the arrow to go back to the planning:

You can delete with the 3 dots menu

There are 2 ways to assign a means to a trip: on the page of the trip in question or from the planning.

  • I plan from the trip creation page

By clicking on "Means" I can assign the trip to a driver and a vehicle

  • I plan in the schedule

If I did not choose a driver in the previous step, I find my trip "to plan" in the trip well.

As for a transport alone, I drag the trip onto the driver/vehicle and on the date of my choice.

📲 I am a driver, how do I validate my assignments?

I receive a trip as an assignment

Almost no change compared to before:

  • The activities within the assignment of a trip are ordered in the same way as on the trip page

  • The name of the trip, if existing, is displayed on the assignment.

  • If there are similar activities, they are grouped in 1 step (see below)

Signature for a group of activities (similar activities)

  • When there are similar activities, I perform the signature flow only once. The signature collected will be used on each delivery (CMR) of my activity group.

  • If I have a reservation, I choose on which delivery (CMR) it should be applied. The same goes for photos and added documents.

Example below: in my Pick up activity, I have goods from several hauliers grouped together. I only have to sign once.

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