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Connect your telematic to Dashdoc to go further in managing your activity
Connect your telematic to Dashdoc to go further in managing your activity

Connect your telematic to Dashdoc to go further in monitoring your activity (waiting time, ETA, real Km travelled,...)

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Written by Support Dashdoc
Updated over 7 months ago

Why you should connect your telematics to Dashdoc?

By connecting your telematics to Dashdoc, you will be able to:

  • Gain visibility on your execution monitoring 🚚

  • Collect reliable data to optimize your profitability / transport budget 💰

More specifically, you will have access to:

  • a dynamic tracking map of your vehicle

  • the real traveled km for your own transport, with updating of prices per km automatically (for simple transport)

  • the data needed to calculate waiting times (telematics) for own transport

  • the ETA : estimated times of arrival (accessible by the carrier and the principal)

  • Updating transport status based on telematics data.

Your fleet is equipped with one of the Dashdoc portfolio telematics and you are interested in this feature? Contact us!

Telematics connected to Dashdoc ✅:

The following 23 Telematics can be connected to Dashdoc.

The telematics identified by: 🔧 , will require setting up in My Fleet > My Vehicles, the field: "Vehicle reference in the chosen telematics" for each of your plates. You can retrieve this information from your telematics specialist.

Dashdoc collects & stores (90 days) the telematics data of vehicles (tractors or carriers) declared and for which a telematics link has been activated, for the strict needs of the execution of the service: timestamps of loading statuses, geolocation of the vehicle during the mission, registration of the vehicle, actual mileage of the vehicle (at the choice of the carrier).

What telematics are associated with Dashdoc?

Telematics Connected to Dashdoc

Parameterization by plate required*

Alertgasoil (Fleetenergies)






Mapping Control

Map and Truck





Sud Télématique





Want to learn more about Dashdoc's telematics data management? Click here

What telematics allows you:

A. Track your transports in real time from Dashdoc:

👋  What are the interests for you?

  • Gain visibility on current transport 👀

  • Gain efficiency by centralizing your transport tracking on Dashdoc ⏱️

View the telematics traces of the transport (blue dots), as well as the last known position of the vehicle (truck icon) from the map available in your transport details.

☝️ Prerequisites for displaying telematics in Dashdoc

For the telematics traces to be displayed on your transport, remember to enter the hours requested when creating your transport.

Dashdoc uses the telematics of the truck 2 hours before and until 2 hours after the time requested for collection and delivery, and this within the limit of a 2 hour slot max.

Ex :

  • Requested time entered: 3:00 PM ✅

    Dashdoc will call the telematics between 1:00 PM and 5:00 PM

  • Requested time entered: between 2:00 PM and 4:00 PM ✅

    Dashdoc will call the telematics between 12:00 PM and 6:00 PM

  • Requested time entered: between 12:00 AM and 11:59 PM ✅

    Dashdoc will call the telematics between the previous day at 10:00 PM and the next day at 2:00 AM

  • Requested time entered: between 2:00 PM on 01/01 and 5:00 PM on 02/01 ❌

    Dashdoc will not call the telematics because the slot is longer than 24 hours

☝️ These data are only visible from the carrier's account, and are not accessible to third parties who have access to the transport (ordering party, site...).

B. Report the actual distances traveled for a transport (e.g. help with billing per km, CO2 calculation, empty km calculation, etc.)

👋  What are the interests for you?

  • Invoice as accurately and quickly when you have prices per km traveled  ⏱️

  • Co2 calculation more refined because based on the actual distance traveled and not the estimated distance usually displayed 🌍 

  • Exportable data if you wish to calculate the empty km traveled by your vehicles 📊

Where to find the distance traveled ?

1 - Click on the desired transport

2 - In the header, view the distance traveled

3 - By clicking on it you will be able to view:

  • the mileage of the truck at each stage

  • the distance traveled by the truck between each stage

  • the total distance traveled by the truck, between the place of departure and the place of arrival (the approach kilometers are not included)

🚀 If you invoice with Dashdoc, the price to be invoiced will automatically update with the distance traveled. A guaranteed time saver !

Do you use Dashdoc for the consignment note and would like to know more about our TMS?

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In the event that no telematic distance information is returned, check that you have entered the hours requested for your transport (to find out more click here)

Modify a distance reported by telematics:

It is possible to modify the distances calculated by telematics, by entering the desired value manually.

To go back and use the value calculated from the mileages retrieved via telematics again, you can use the icon on the right.

You can easily identify the source of the value via the icon on the left: manually entered distance / distance calculated from telematics.

Export distance traveled data:

The distance traveled is available for export for all your own transport.

Use the data to push your analyzes and optimization study (ex: calculation of empty km)

Learn more about exports in Dashdoc

C. Detect your site arrivals and departures (e.g. waiting time calculation)

👋 What are the interests for you?

  • Make your waiting time data more reliable and invoice as accurately as possible

  • Follow the quality of the data of your driver entries by mobile application 📊

  • If no mobile application: update the transport progress statuses thanks to detection site arrivals and departures 📍✔️

☝️ Pre-requisites: have well geolocated sites & fill in requested hours

When you create an order with a specific address, Dashdoc automatically associates a GPS point with this address, with a default detection radius of 500m.

For Dashdoc to activate the detection of site arrivals and departures, you must:

  1. GPS coordinates have been verified.

  2. that the hours requested are indicated on the transport

1. To check your GPS addresses:

  • Go to Address Book

  • Menu: pick-up and delivery address

  • Select the address to verify

  • Check the GPS coordinates of the address

  • move the slider to adjust it to the actual position of the vehicle entrance

  • adjust the detection radius (ex below: 100 m vs 500 m by default).

  • Register

ex: if you have a collection or delivery address with only a city or the name of a road mentioned, the qualification of the precise sites is important for the continuation

2. Fill in the dates requested in your transport

  • For loading:

    Dashdoc seeks to detect a truck on site 2 hours before and 2 hours after the scheduled slot.

    • Ex: If you have entered a scheduled time on the pick-up site between 8am and 10am, Dashdoc will be able to detect the truck between 6am and 12pm. ✅

      If the truck arrives more than 2 hours late, it will not be detected. ❌

  • For the delivery :

    Failing to retrieve a telematic position, Dashdoc will in any case detect the time and the position of the truck as soon as the driver completes his mission from his mobile application (without constraints on the scheduled times).

View site arrival and departure data in Dashdoc:

  • From the transport detail: hover your mouse over the small (i) visible at the level of the actual hours filled in by the clocking of the drivers

The actual hours displayed & taken into account for the progress of the transport statuses remain the hours pointed out by the drivers from the mobile application.

Times detected by geofencing are displayed for informational purposes only.

  • Thanks to data exports: You can export the dates and times of arrival and departure from the pick-up and delivery site of your transport missions.

This data will allow you to calculate your telematics based wait times

Do not hesitate to compare this information with the waiting times based on driver validations on the mobile application.

❓ If the detection does not work on a transport:

  1. Check that your sites are well geolocated, with an appropriate radius. A truck is considered to be on site as soon as it enters the blue circle.

  2. Check that the correct tractor plates have been assigned on the transport

  3. Check that the transport is correctly planned (with hours requested within the limit of a 2 hour slot).

D. Enable ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival)

👋  What are the interests for you?

  • Gain visibility on your execution follow-up 👀

  • Give visibility and offer a high quality transport service to your customer 🤝

The ETA corresponds to the expected time of arrival of a truck at a transport site.

If your sites are correctly geolocated, Dashdoc allows you to display the ETA on your transports.

How to activate the calculation of ETA (estimated time of arrival) on your transport?

  • When creating a shipment: at each stage entered (collection, delivery), check the "ETA" box if you wish to activate the ETA calculation for this site.

  • From the detail of a transport: from the transport detail page, by clicking on "Enable ETA" for each collection or delivery concerned.

☝️  Pre-requisite to calculate ETA:

  • an address must be filled in and correctly geolocated,

  • a time or a time slot must be entered. In the case of a time slot, it must not exceed a duration of 2 hours.

    For example, entering a delivery scheduled between 4 p.m. and 6 p.m. is suitable (2 hour window).

    On the other hand, entering a delivery scheduled between 12 p.m. and 6 p.m. does not activate the ETA (slot greater than 2 hours).

The estimated time of arrival is recalculated at regular intervals:

  • Every time we have an updated truck geolocation

  • But no more than once every 10 minutes

View the ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival) on your transport

The ETA will be displayed on the transport detail page, in the "Telematics" column.

It will appear 2 hours before the end of the requested time slot.

It stops calculating once the time slot has been exceeded, but the last calculated value will remain displayed.

Ex: if the loading is scheduled between 11 a.m. and noon, the ETA begins to be calculated and displayed at 10 a.m. (2 hours before the end of the slot). If at noon, the arrival time is estimated at 1:30 p.m., this estimated time ("1:30 p.m.") will no longer be updated but will remain displayed until 1:30 p.m.

The time of arrival on site is estimated on the telematic position of the vehicle and is crossed with the truck routes proposed by the "HERE" software.

This makes it possible to have an estimate closest to reality, taking into account the hazards and the real traffic.

ETA does not take driver break times into account.

☝️The calculated ETA (estimated time of arrival) is visible to all stakeholders with access to transport: carrier, principal, loading or delivery site...

E. Update of transport statuses by telematic detection 📍✔️ :

If you want the update of the status of your transport to be based on the detection of arrivals and departures from the site by telematics, it is possible.

This option allows you to follow the progress of your transport only from the GPS tracking of your tractors, without making your drivers use the mobile application.

⚠️  It is recommended to use either the mobile application or the automatic detection by geofencing. If your objective is to report field elements (e-cmr, tonnages, photos, etc.), we do not recommend that you activate this option.

How to activate this option?

Go to Settings > Vehicles > Telematics, and check the box "Enable geofencing".

As soon as the option is activated, the detected times of site arrivals and departures become visible from the accounts of all transport stakeholders (including the principal and the sites).

To learn more about Dashdoc's use of telematics data, you can refer to this article.

How to connect your telematics to Dashdoc?

1 - Check with your Dashdoc contract that it includes the "telematics connection" line

If you don't have this option yet contact us

2- Retrieve your Technical connection identifiers from your service provider

ex: Transics, Trimble, Fleetboard, AlertGasoil, Rio or Quartix, Astrata, Koovea, Masternaut or other supplier.

3 - From Dashdoc, Add your telematics:

Go to Settings > Extensions > Telematics, and click on the "Add telematics" button.

  • Select the telematics you want to add

  • Enter your login information

  • Click "Add".

The added telematics then becomes visible in the table:

4- Configure your fleet of vehicles

Once your telematics is associated with your Dashdoc account, you will be able to configure your fleet, in order to match your Dashdoc vehicles with your telematics

To do this, go to the "Vehicles" tab and click on "Modify" on the line of the vehicle you wish to configure. If the vehicle does not yet exist, click on "Add a vehicle".

Complete the vehicle information, by selecting the vehicle telematics, and entering the vehicle reference in the chosen telematics. Don't forget to save.

A symbol is then displayed in the "details", allowing you to easily identify the vehicles in your fleet that are already associated with telematics.

Cheer ! 🎉 You have finished connecting your telematics to Dashdoc.

Client, carrier, sites, who sees what on the telematics data?


Visible by the carrier

Visible to the transport ordering party

Visible to Pickup/Delivery sites from their guest portal

Date and time of detection, arrival, departure from each of the loading and delivery sites **

Telematics traces from the transport tracking map

Last known position of the vehicle on the map (from 2 hours before the theoretical start of the transport, until the end of the transport)

Actual distance traveled (based on telematics info)

(km estimated only )

Actual vehicle mileage, at loading and delivery sites

CO2 consumption of transport


* (ordering party, loading site, delivery site)

** (when the arrival/departure times detected by telematics are reported for information purposes, these are not visible by default to transport stakeholders)

Sharing of data accessible to the instructing party:

  • Starts when the vehicle approaches the place of loading and this maximum two hours before the scheduled time of loading.

  • Ends as soon as the vehicle leaves the place of unloading. In the event of an unforeseen event, data sharing ends within hours of the scheduled unloading time.

Management of telematic data by Dashdoc (storage duration, data security, etc.)

What data is collected from your telematics?

When is the data collected?

How long is telematics data stored in Dashdoc?

Is data management secure?

Dashdoc undertakes to use your data for the strict needs of the execution of the service

What data is collected from your telematics?

What data is collected from your telematics?

Dashdoc collects and stores telematics data from vehicles (tractors or carriers) declared and for which a telematics link has been activated, for the strict needs of the execution of the service: loading status timestamps, geolocation of the vehicle during the mission, vehicle registration, actual mileage of the vehicle (at the choice of the carrier).

When is this data collected?

In order to be able to offer the service, data begins to be collected by Dashdoc before the scheduled arrival of the vehicle in order to be able to detect its approach. Data sharing only starts when the vehicle is close to the loading location and never more than two hours before the scheduled shipping time. Data sharing ceases as soon as the vehicle leaves the place of unloading of the final delivery, and no later than two hours after arrival. These data are used only for the strict need of the execution of the service.

What is the data retention period?

The data reported to the mission is kept in the database for 90 days.

Deleting the telematics link on a vehicle (or on the whole account) stops Dashdoc's access to this data.

The carrier has the possibility to request access and deletion to its data at any time.

Is data management secure?

Yes. Dashdoc's activities comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Data management is a core skill of Dashdoc. Data sharing is only validated when the identified vehicle is in the right place at the right time. Deleting a vehicle's telematics link stops Dashdoc's access to data.

Dashdoc undertakes to use your data for the strict needs of the execution of the service

Dashdoc undertakes not to transfer, divulge or use the data except for the strict needs of the execution of the service or at the request of a judicial authority.

Dashdoc undertakes to obtain the carrier's consent before any access to the Carrier's data by Dashdoc staff except for the strict needs of the performance of the contract or at the request of a judicial authority.

Dashdoc undertakes to set up a functionality allowing to record the access, the modification, the extraction of any data from the Carrier, to extract it and to give access to it to the Carrier, accessible from June 1, 2021 .

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