Are you looking for a transport or charter in Dashdoc? Thanks to the search :
🚀 Quickly access the information you need (consult documents, rates, find references.). |
You are looking for :
A Transport: go to the "Transport" view, where you will find all transports, regardless of their status
An Order go to the "Orders" view, where you'll find all orders entrusted to an external service provider, regardless of their performance status
A transport or orders: use the global search bar to search all Dashdoc views. The search result will show transports and charters.
Filter settings
On the Transport, Chartering, Billing and Global View pages, Dashdoc provides you with several ways to search and save your data.
Dashdoc has improved its filters and now offers you :
make selections based on multiple criteria,
select several data items per criterion
and save your searches to save time.
Filter by the following criteria:
Transport period: Today, last week, last month or own dates
Site Address: Loading, unloading or both, you can also select multiple addresses
Site: Postcode/country
Time on site: you can filter the maximum time they are allowed to be on site.
Shipper: you can tick more than one principal
Carriers: you can select multiple carriers
Customer to invoice: you can select multiple carriers
Chartering: is the transport chartered?
Chartered carrier: Who is the chartered carrier?
Invoicing status: What is the billing status of my transports?
Transport status: What is the status of my transport?
Created by (partner): choose who created the transport of your partners
Created by (user): choose which internal user/user created the transport
Trucker: you can tick multiple drivers
Load category
Dangerous goods (ADR)
All these filters can be combined, and you can select more than one data item per filter.
Search bar
Filter via our search bar by clicking on the magnifying glass at the beginning
of the line.
You can combine your keywords and associate them with filters.
To do so, enter your keyword and press Enter.
When you use the search bar, we search for :
Number of the TO, Invoice or credit note number
TO creator, Carrier, Shipper, Customer to invoice and Sites company name
Carrier, Shipper, Customer to invoice and Sites addresses, zip codes and city names
Shipper reference, Carrier reference, Sites references
Trucker first name, trucker last name
Vehicle and trailer plates and fleet numbers
Load description, Load complementary information
Container number, container seal number
Document reference
Dispatching instructions
Name of trip
Save your filters by creating views
You can save your filters by creating a view:
Make your filter
Click on the diskette at the end of the line
Name your view
Find it in the eye
💡 You can also search for a keyword using the search bar and save it as a filter. |
The global search bar
The global search bar lets you search all pages. You can search for transport numbers, carriers, drivers, goods.... Simply space your search words with a comma (,).
If the information you are looking for cannot be found on the page you are searching for, you can click on "Search all statuses and archives".
The search will then be performed on all statuses, including archived and deleted ones.
Not yet a customer? If you would like to have a demo and try paperless transport documents with Dashdoc, please let us know here: