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How can I find out the amount of CO2 emissions from my transport operation? - ISO 14038 methodology
How can I find out the amount of CO2 emissions from my transport operation? - ISO 14038 methodology

Dashdoc allows you to transmit the amount of CO2 emissions of your transport operations to your customers.

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Written by Support Dashdoc
Updated over 3 months ago

Do you need to measure the CO2 emissions of your transport operations?

Are more and more customers asking you about the carbon footprint of their orders?

Dashdoc can help you master the subject of CO2 emissions in your transport business! ⚙️

🌱 Get an ISO 14083 carbon footprint calculation 🤝 Share your Co2 emissions easily with your customers

📊 Establish carbon footprint reports on your entire activity

🚀 Avoid re-entries and automatically transmit Co2 information to ADEME's EVE platform (French customers)

This calculation method is only available to some of our users, and will soon be accessible to all.

In the meantime, the historical ADEME method will be applied to your transportation.

Not sure which method is available in your account?

➡️ Open a recent transport and consult the calculation method used by Dashdoc

Calcul de l'empreinte carbone dans Dashdoc - Nouveau calcul- Norme ISO 14083

In order for Dashdoc to calculate the carbon footprint of transportation according to ISO 14083 (link to article), we need the following 3 pieces of information:

  1. ✅ The emission rate of the carrier providing the transport

    ☝️A set up in your account, or to be set up by your charterer in the case of chartered/subcontracted transport.

    N.B.: If the charterer has not set his emission rate in his guest account, Dashdoc will take the emission rate associated with the requested vehicle type entered in the order created by you!

    💡 So don't forget to enter a requested vehicle type in your charter orders, and go to my fleet to set the default emission rates!

    👉 See below how to set your emission rates & requested vehicles

  2. ✅ Estimated distance (calculated automatically by Dashdoc)

    In the ISO standard, only the estimated distance counts; the actual distance retrievable by your telematics system is not taken into account in this calculation.

    So make sure your addresses are entered correctly

  3. ✅ Weight of goods transported, to be entered in your transport order in Kg.

🤓 A problem with your calculation? Dashdoc will display an error message telling you what data is missing. Click on the missing information to be automatically redirected to make the change.

🤓 Find out more about the ISO calculation method: click here

Set your emission rate in Dashdoc :

Go to Settings > Carbon footprint to set your emission rate.

All you have to do is enter your fuel consumption over a given period and Dashdoc will do the rest to make your life easier and save you time! 🚀

💡 A word of advice: take advantage of your TICPE declaration (for tax refunds on petroleum products) to update the information in Dashdoc.

The emission rate applies to your company as a whole; if you have several entities, you'll need to set it once, and it will be applied to all transport of the group's agencies.

From the Settings tab > Carbon footprint :

  1. Click on Update emission rate

  2. Define a reference period on which to base the emission rate for the coming effective period.

    The standard requires this reference period to be less than or equal to 1 year. However, we recommend that you select a shorter period (e.g. last quarter).

    ☝️ If the reference period is 3 months, the emission rate will have to be updated after 3 months!

    e.g.: Your emission rate is based on consumption over the last 3 months, the rate will apply to transport over the next 3 months, once the period has expired the rate will be out of date, you'll need to update the rate with your last consumption over the previous three months!

    Dashdoc will inform you if the rate has expired.

  3. Enter all consumption linked to your activity over the selected reference period

    Enter the primary energy type and associate it with the actual consumption of your entire fleet over the reference period.

    You can add different primary energies.

From these parameters, you can retrieve the emission rate for the previous period, the current period and the upcoming period.

You can change the actual period and the reference period

When you update the emission rate, all future shipments will have the new rate.

Carbon footprint of chartered transport

Carbon footprint for charter shipments

Dashdoc now applies the ISO 14083 calculation method to its charter shipments. This calculation method will soon be available for your own shipments.

It is based on :

  • Weight of goods in kg

  • The estimated distance of the transport mission

  • Your service provider's emission coefficient (entered on the Dashdoc guest portal, otherwise Dashdoc uses a default coefficient).

Carbon footprint = weight of goods transported x estimated km x emission rate (set upstream)

In order for Dashdoc to calculate the carbon footprint of your chartered shipments, you must ensure the following 3 points:

  1. that the weight of the goods in your order is expressed in Kg

  2. That the quality of your order entry allows you to obtain an estimated distance (e.g.: pick-up and delivery addresses are official addresses).

  3. With the new ISO 14083 version, Dashdoc will use the emission rate set by your shipper in its guest portal, or will apply a standard rate if no data is available.

    Future developments : In the coming weeks, for each charter order, if the charterer has not entered an emission rate in his account, Dashdoc will apply the emission rate associated with the type of vehicle requested. Make sure that a requested vehicle type has been selected when creating your order, and that your requested vehicles are set up in your fleet 🆕

How to set up your requested vehicles?

a. Go to the "My Fleet" > "My Equipment" tab

b. Click on the "Requested vehicles" tab

c. set up your existing requested vehicles or create new ones

d. Enter the emission coefficient associated with the requested vehicle

2 sources are possible:

  • Use the ADEME list (available in Base Carbone), which references the different emission coefficients by vehicle category

  • Manually enter an emission coefficient for the requested vehicle, calculated by you

You can define a default requested vehicle so that it is automatically applied to each subcontract.

My charterer uses Dashdoc TMS and tells me he has set his emission rates. Which calculation prevails? The charterer's emission coefficient.

Control carbon-free transport:

🏷️ Control badges make it easy to filter out carbon-neutral transports, and find out why they have no carbon footprint.

⚙️ Set your view to display the carbon footprint in your list of shipments or charters

Generate a report on your Co2 emissions :

🚧 We'll soon be releasing a dedicated export on the subject of carbon footprinting,

In the meantime, select the transports you're interested in and create a customized export by selecting the "carbon footprint" column.

FAQ - Answers to frequently asked questions

I hadn't defined an emission rate until now. What data did Dashdoc use to calculate my carbon footprint?

If no emission rate was set, Dashdoc used the ADEME emission rate averages for your country.

Dashdoc will always inform you of the rate used for transport.

My emission rate is out of date. What emission rate will Dashdoc use to calculate my carbon footprint?

Dashdoc will use the previous rate set for Co2 footprint calculations, even if obsolete.

I updated my emission rate a little late. Will the carbon footprint be updated retroactively for the period for which the emission rate used was incorrect?

No, the carbon footprint calculation will have to be refreshed manually.

To date, you will need to update the calculation on a transport-by-transport basis, as mass updating is not available.

I'd like to add my own carbon footprint result, how do I do that?

You can add your carbon footprint manually or update it via API.

The transport distance is marked as unavailable, but I can't change it. What can I do?

If the address provided does not allow us to calculate an estimated distance, Dashdoc will offer you the option of adding a manually estimated distance, which will be used exclusively to calculate the carbon footprint.

This option will be offered if your shipment has a missing address, or if the address geolocation information has not enabled us to calculate the route.

I provide my own transport services. Who should bear the burden of the transport's carbon footprint?

According to national GHG regulations, the provision of a driver and a vehicle is not a transport service, and is therefore outside the scope of these regulations.

If company A provides / rents its driver and vehicle to company B, it is up to company B to manage the carbon footprint associated with the transport services provided.

☝️ Dashdoc does not support the calculation of the carbon footprint for a contracted mission to date.

If your customer requires you to transmit a carbon footprint, don't hesitate to let us know so that we can look into these business use cases.

How can I integrate energy consumption into my refrigeration activities?

The ISO method uses actual fuel consumption to provide an accurate estimate of the footprint of refrigeration operations. However, to get as close to reality as possible, we need to take into account refrigerant leaks, which we are currently studying in partnership with ADEME.

I'm due to produce a report for the year 2023-2024. How can I find out which calculation method was used to calculate the carbon footprint between the ISO standard and ADEME?

In your data export, a column will indicate the calculation method applied.

You can refresh the calculation of past transports so that it updates to the ISO standard, but beware: if you haven't configured an emission rate for this period, the default emission rate may be less accurate than the rate entered via the vehicle. It may not make sense to refresh the calculation of old transports.

Dashdoc will always mention the calculation method used in the calculation.

👉 If the calculation method used is that of ADEME, you can click on "Update calculation" to obtain a calculation according to the ISO standard.

How is the carbon footprint of disruption zones factored into the carbon footprint?

The carbon footprint emitted by the logistics platform is added to the overall transport carbon footprint.

By default, the carbon footprints of logistics platforms are 0 Kg Co2.

Information on the carbon footprint generated by the transit of goods on the logistics platform should be requested from the platform in question.

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